ICEA’s Anticipated Endowment Investment

KSh 2,000.00

The Anticipated Endowment gives you the liberty to save for your long term goals but while at it receive timely payouts, commonly referred to as cash back payments at specified periods within the duration of your investment instead of waiting till end of the plan. Also enjoy the benefit of a life cover to take care of your loved ones in case of your unfortunate demise.

Benefits include:

☑️ Policy Loan
You can take a loan against your premiums from year 3 (36 months of contributions)

☑️ Tax-Free benefit
When your policy matures, you will get the full Sum Assured paid to you Tax-Free.

☑️ Contribution Break (Re-Dating)
If you are unable to continue paying the premiums for your policy, you can pause payment of your policy and restart when your circumstances improve, at no extra cost.

☑️ 15% tax relief
If you are employed and you advise your HR department about your policy, you get a 15% tax relief each month.
If you are self-employed you can claim the same from Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA).

☑️ Guarantee Income for Your Loved Ones
In the unfortunate event of your demise, your nominated beneficiaries can still have the quality of life you envisioned for them

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