ICEA’s Annuity Plan

Annuities help you plan and secure your retirement by providing you with a steady flow of income throughout your retirement.

Annuities can be:
▪️ Deferred – you purchase an annuity but defer the start date of receiving pension to a future date.
▪️ Guaranteed Annuities – you get to select a definite minimum period within which to receive the payouts, regardless
of when you unfortunately pass on
▪️Temporary Annuities – With this solution, the payments to you cease upon the occurrence of certain named events in your life, other than
your unfortunate demise; for example, re-marriage or attainment of a certain age or expiry of a specified term.

Starting early means enough time to accumulate and grow a worthwhile lump sum for the future. You can either invest as a lump sum or periodically prior to the annuity payments kicking in.

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