CIC Money Market Fund

KSh 5,000.00


🔸Capital preservation.
🔸A high degree of stability.
🔸A short term parking bay for surplus fund particularly in times of market volatility.

Key Features

🔸Initial fee: Nil
🔸Annual Management Fee: 2% Per annum.
🔸Minimum Investment: Kes 5,000.00.
🔸Minimum Additional Investment: Kes 1,000.00.
🔸Risk profile: Low.


🔸Liquidity: The client is able to withdraw their funds at short notice.
🔸Flexibility: The client is able to switch or transfer funds to another fund that he/she may have with CICAM.
🔸Security: The fund invests in low risk and liquid instruments.
🔸Competitive Returns: Interest is calculated daily and credited at the end of each month. As an institutional investor, the fund benefits from placing deposits in large sums and as such is able to negotiate for competitive rates.
🔸Professional fund management: prospective investors benefit from the expertise of our seasoned professionals.

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